KickStart your new Laravel project

Laravel and the packages available for Laravel are awesome.

We've pulled together the best along with creating some useful components to really kick start your project and save a ton of time.

Launch price £149.99.

100 pre-order slots remaining

What's included

A time saving start to your new Laravel project

We've brought together the learnings from over 30 Laravel projects and are offering this KickStart to you to save time on your next Laravel project.

Default pages
Every site typically will need a Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and a Contact page. Along with the homepage we also have an About page ready to go.
Login with Google, GitHub or other.
Using a 3rd party credential system with some configuration options provided by Laravel Socialite, easily allow users to use your project.
Newsletter email signup.
A simple email form capture and database table is ready to go with verify email mail template.
Custom 404,500 and 503 error pages.
Using the guest template some custom error pages are provided.
And much much more. Check the release notes.
Product screenshot

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Frequently asked questions

Will this starter kit help with SEO?

While we can't guarantee SEO results, we can confidently say SEO is a consideration with the code we've produced in the Starter Kit and we can aid with SEO optimisations as an additional service so please get in touch.

Can I allow users to login with Facebook, X or Microsoft?

Short answer, yes. Long answer, checkout the available providers for Laravel Socialite

Are all the newer releases included in the original purchase price?

Minor updates for the version purchased will be included in the original price. When an entirely new version is released, a new purchase will be required unless stated otherwise.

Can I get a refund?

Due to being a digital purchase, you are buying the code and therefore refunds are not available. If you have an issue with the code, we can repair or replace the code but refunds are not issued.

Ready to kick start your new Laravel project?

Launch price £149.99